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You can watch the webinar held by Sanjay Bhagani and Ricardo Fuertes. The webinar is organized within the context of the Hepatitis Access Needs (HAND) project and will discuss approaches to prevent Hepatitis B (Sanjay) and Hepatitis C, with a focus on Harm Reduction, (Ricardo).


As the Hepatitis Access Needs HAND project is progressing, here is the next webinar for you to view and share. Kristjan talks to Dr. Sanjay Bhagani, infectious disease specialist and lead practitioner in HIV and viral hepatitis about the possible treatment of hepatitis B, and why it is important, especially if you also have HIV, to get treated.


You can watch the webinar about Hepatitis C organised organised by Kristjan on 12/09/2017 under the HAND project his particularly interesting for everyone living with HIV or HCV, and also to those who are not necessarily living with these illnesses but are interested in them.

Jürgen Rockstroh explains in detail how you can contract HCV, what it does to your body, how treatment works, and the future may bring in HCV treatment.


You can watch the webinar about Hepatitis A organised jointly by EATG, IGLYO and ILGA-EUROPE on 28/08/2017. The speaker was Prof. Jürgen Rockstroh from Uniklinik Bonn. He speaks in detail about the epidemiology of HAV, treatment options, the recent outbreaks in Europe, vaccination and many more topics. His lecture is followed by a short questions and answers session.

Speaker Bio

Sanjay R Bhagani

Sanjay Bhagani is a Consultant Physician in Infectious Diseases and HIV Medicine at the Royal Free Hospital, London and honorary Senior Lecturer in Infectious Diseases at University College London.

After completing his postgraduate training in Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine in London, he joined the Royal Free Hospital as a Consultant Physician where he established and is the current lead of a multi-disciplinary HIV/hepatitis co-infection service. This is a tertiary referral service at the fore-front of service delivery in all aspects on HIV/viral hepatitis co-infection ranging from access to phase 2/3 clinical trials for new agents to joint liver transplant assessment and post-transplant care.

His teams research interests include epidemiological, virological and clinical aspects of acute HCV amongst HIV+ MSM, use of non-invasive tests for liver assessment in resource-rich and resource-limited settings, implementation and clinical research in the management of viral hepatitis and HIV co- infection in resource-limited settings and phase 2/3 clinical trials for new agents for treating HCV and HBV.

He is the current chair of the British HIV Association’s Viral Hepatitis group and serves on the HIV/hepatitis guidelines committee for both the British HIV Association and the European AIDS Clinical Society. He serves on the Editorial boards of AIDS Therapy and Research and BMC Hepatology, Medicine and Policy and is a trustee at AIDSOrphan.
He has a passion for teaching and is currently on the steering committee for the EACS Advance HIV course and a member of the board of examiners for the Diploma in HIV Medicine, UK.

Sanjay R Bhagani

Ricardo Fuertes

Ricardo Fuertes is the director of IN-Mouraria, a harm reduction center for people who use drugs implemented by GAT and located in Lisbon. IN- Mouraria performs HIV/viral hepatitis prevention, rapid testing, referral to care and support to adherence to treatment, with the involvement of peers and strong participation of communities of people who use drugs.

With the support of EATG's Step UP programme, IN-Mouraria
implemented in 2017 a peer led research to identify barriers to access Hep C treatment among people who use drugs.

Previously he worked in a drug consumption room in Catalonia, Spain and as a peer counsellor in HIV/STIs community testing services for men who have sex with men, in Portugal and Spain.


Ricardo Fuertes is member of the European AIDS Treatment Group.

Ricardo Fuertes

Jürgen Rockstroh

Jürgen Rockstroh, MD, is Professor of Medicine and Head of the HIV Outpatient Clinic at the University of Bonn in Germany. In addition to his clinical practice, Dr Rockstroh is involved in HIV research on: antiretroviral therapy, including new drug classes; the course of HIV disease in haemophiliacs; and HIV and hepatitis co-infection. From 2007-2011 he was the president of the German AIDS Society. He is also since 2009 a member of the executive committee of the European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS) and since 2011 member of the governing council of the International AIDS Society. In 2015 Professor Rockstroh was elected chair of HIV in Europe. In 2016 he was elected as president-elect of EACS.

Jürgen Rockstroh
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