ITACA Training

“Improved Treatment and Care Access (ITACA): Treatment Cascades in Central and South East Europe” has been a regional training project on advocacy for universal access to treatment and development of Treatment Cascades, as well as for the subsequent development of a data basis for Treatment Cascades in Central and South East Europe.
The training took place on 13-15 May 2016 in Warsaw, Poland
About ITACA Training:
“Improved Treatment and Care Access (ITACA): Treatment Cascades in Central and South East Europe” has been a regional training project on advocacy for universal access to treatment and development, analysis and the use of treatment cascades as advocacy tools organized in cooperation by the European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG) and the Network of Low Prevalence Countries of Central and South East Europe (NeLP). The training took place in Warsaw from Friday, 13th May to Sunday, 15th May 2016 and brought together 26 activists from community- and civil society organizations from Central and South East Europe region working in the field of HIV advocacy, treatment and care.
The advocacy component of the training focused on promoting the concept of universal access to treatment and diagnostics. It also included discussing key existing issues to access to ARV treatment and diagnostics in Central and South East Europe and identifying appropriate advocacy strategies to overcome them, both on national level or as joined cooperation between countries.
The treatment cascades component of the training aimed at building the necessary capacities for making of general HIV treatment cascades but also to teach how to interpret them in the contexts of outreach, counselling and testing, linkage to care, and adherence, as well as how to use them as tools for advocacy. The training discussed treatment cascades for the general population as well as treatment cascades for most at risk populations.
News about ITACA
This initiative has been independently developed by EATG and NeLP, and was made possible through sponsorship from Bristol-Myers Squibb. EATG and NeLP acknowledge that Bristol-Myers Squibb has not had any control or input into the structure or content of the initiative.