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Writer's picture: EATG Training AcademyEATG Training Academy

21 November 2019 ICRSE Coordinator

#ICRSE is recruiting two trainers for our new programme 'European Red Umbrella Academy: Sex Work & #HIV Advocacy Training Programme', developed in partnership with European #AIDS Treatment Group.

Please download the 'Guide for Prospective Trainers for the Programme' for all information.

The program consists of coordination of a regional sex worker and HIV activists training, bringing together 24 activists from 8 countries (to be selected through an open call), followed by a national one-day training for local sex worker communities on topics related to HIV. Furthermore, the project includes the development of briefing papers on topics identified by the participants for advocacy and education purposes.

The aim of the project is to foster collaboration between Sex Work activists and HIV activists through two means. On the one hand it aims to enhance the understanding of HIV among Sex Work activists as well as of the realities, needs and barriers for sex workers among HIV activists and on the other hand it aims to develop practical models for collaboration at local level. Another aim is to produce position papers on topics identified by Sex Work and HIV activists to be used for education and advocacy purposes at national, regional and global level.

Expected outcomes of the programme are:

An international network of Sex Work activists and HIV activists will be created through the training that will support each other and assume a leading role in promoting the collaboration of sex workers and HIV activists

In 8 countries specific collaboration formats between sex workers and HIV activists will be discussed and agreed upon to make HIV services more accessible to sex workers

Sex work activism will be strengthened and sex workers in 8 countries are empowered to take practical actions to make HIV services more accessible within their communities

HIV organizations in 8 countries will be sensitized about the specific vulnerabilities, barriers and needs of the local sex worker community

The project will directly reach 185 Sex Work activists and HIV activists

Three position papers will be developed and presented at key conferences and events

This guide was prepared for two trainers, who will help with the implementation of a three-day training module for 24 participants. Two thirds of the trainees will consist of Sex Work activists and one third will consist of HIV activists (8 countries, 24 participants). The training will address the following topics:

Introduction to HIV: HIV life cycle, transmission, treatment options, history of HIV

HIV combination prevention

Realities of sex work in Europe

Needs and barriers of different groups of sex workers with regards to access to HIV services

Specific vulnerabilities: stigma and discrimination, criminalization

Collaboration possibilities between sex workers and HIV activists


The programme training will take place in March 2020 (exact date tbc) in Warsaw, Poland.

The first day will be the date of arrival only. Training will take place over the 3 follow days that follow arrival consisting of two full days and half a day on the day of departure.

A detailed agenda for the training module will be developed in collaboration with the selected trainers for the training module.


Applicants wishing to become a trainer should complete and submit the online application form at by no later than Sunday, 1st December 2019, 23:59 CET

Please don’t hesitate to contract Luca Stevenson ( if you have any questions about the application process.

Contact information

The questions in this section are not taken into consideration during the review process. The protection of personal data will be guaranteed during the whole selection process.

Please ensure that you provide your correct email address, as all further correspondence about the training will be communicated via e-mail only.

Languages and requirements

The working languages of the training will be English. All trainers need to be fluent in English.

Knowledge on topics of HIV and/or sex work

Experience in delivering trainings

Qualification assessment information

This will be the most important part in the assessment of your application. The information that you provide here will guide us during the selection process.

Please excuse the length of this section. We need such a level of detail to be able to select the trainers most effectively. The expertise of the trainer team selected shall cover all thematic areas of the training. You do not have to be an expert in all thematic areas, but you must have very high or high expertise in at least one of the areas.

Please provide an assessment on your expertise in the topics listed under the following categories:

HIV treatment

HIV combined prevention

Realities of sex work in Europe

Needs and barriers of different groups of sex workers with regards to access to HIV services

Specific vulnerabilities: stigma and discrimination, criminalization

Please use the space provided under each category in the application form to describe your expertise and your experience in being a trainer in the thematic areas where you have indicated very high or high knowledge as detailed as possible. You can ignore the text box for areas where you have not indicated very high or high knowledge.

Please use the text box “Further information in support of your application” if you would like to add any further information that you feel is important for the assessment of your application (i.e. your specific motivation to be part of the project, your further knowledge and skills, your experience, your current work that might be of relevance for the training etc.).

Selection Process

Applicants will be notified about the results of their application by Sunday, 15 December 2019 the latest. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for short skype interviews to discuss their application.


Trainers will be involved in the finalization of the training agenda for the training module. They must be available for up to two joint conference calls to prepare the module. Each trainer will be assigned with sessions in the agenda which they will lead on during the training. The trainers must prepare and send the presentation material for the respective sessions they are leading on by no later than three weeks before the training module starts, unless agreed otherwise with the organizers.


Trainers will be remunerated with 855 EUR in total, including preparation work and delivery of the training. #ICRSE and #EATG will cover all accommodation, travel and food expenses of the trainers during the whole duration of the training module.

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