We are launching the Call for Trainers for the STEP-UP 2018/19 programme.
Please find attached the Guidelines for trainer applicants. If you are interested in becoming a trainer in STEP-UP 2018/19, please fill-in and submit the online application form for trainers that you can find under:https://www.surveymonkey.de/r/G7VCQ69. Application closing date for trainer applicants is Sunday, 8 April 2018, 23:59 CET.
The STEP-UP programme is a yearlong modular training programme designed to provide HIV education and personal development training to people who have an aspiration to become more active in the work of and for HIV communities in Europe and Central Asia. The aim of the bilingual programme (English and Russian) is to equip a cohort of 20 HIV ambassadors with the knowledge and skills they need to confidently advocate for the best HIV practices towards policy makers, researchers and industry and national and international level.
The programme consists of five modules that will run across five weekends in 2018 and 2019, starting with the programme launch in June 2018:
Module Location Date
Module 1 Kiev, Ukraine 07 – 10 June 2018
Module 2 Leiden, Netherlands 20 – 27 July 2018 (including the participation at the Global Village of the 22nd International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam from 23 – 27 July 2018)
Module 3 Belgrade, Serbia 08 – 11 November 2018
Module 4 Warsaw, Poland 17 – 20 January 2019
Module 5 Brussels, Belgium 28 February – 03 March 2019
Based on their expertise and experience, as well as on their availability, trainer applicants may be selected to attend all training modules of the programme or to attend selected training modules only.
You can find more information about the content of the programme in the guidelines for trainer applicants attached.
Trainers will be remunerated with 250 EUR per day of training delivered and two times 105 EUR for preparation work before each training module. EATG will cover all accommodation, travel and food expenses of the trainers during the whole duration of the training modules.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the STEP-UP 2018/19 programme.
Best Regards,
Kristjan Jachnowitsch Кристиан Яхнович
Training Coordinator Координатор Тренингов
European AIDS Treatment Group Европейская Группа по Лечению СПИДа
Place Raymond Blyckaerts, 13 Place Raymond Blyckaerts, 13
B-1050 Brussels, Belgium B-1050 Брюссель, Бельгия
T: +32(0) 26269645 T: +32(0) 26269645
M : +32(0) 491348312 M : +32(0) 491348312
F: +32 (0) 2 644 33 07 Ф: +32 (0) 2 644 33 07